
mellan 10 och 11 [KVpress]

Ett år har lämnat oss. Ett annat har anlänt. Det är inte utan att man blir lite rörd. ett mål hade jag 2010. 10 kontinuerliga Fristående Huvudtående Armhävningar (HeadSPU). Jag gjorde 7 stycken i somras. Sedan kom jag på att det var en större utmaning för mig att bli stark. Satte upp ett långsiktigt mål (press 1x, böj 2x, mark 2,5x BW) och gav mig iväg i en linjär progresion. Slängde ut stenåldersfetischen och köpte storpack mjölk och vassleprotein.

_Den tjuguåttonde december K2.

82,5x1 (PR)
85kg (PR)
75x5 (5RM PR)

150x1 (PR, nja?)

Underbart trevliga spotare på plats (Ivmark, Martin, Ling). Ställde mig på vågen någon vecka innan detta med vinterkläder och den visade 85,5kg. Så antar att första målet torde vara i hamn. Gick ju upp utan nämnvärd hastighetsbromsning. Böjen en annan historia. 150 gick upp lätt. Men djupet är väldigt mycket border line. Lite tummen ner nästan eller mad säger ni? Bra trend oavsett. 155 gick inte alls. Den mentala energin var slut.

_Måndagen den tredje Januari, Klubben

74x4 (Trots 8min vila. Börjar närma mig reset)

140x2 (2RM PR)
130x7 (7RM PR)

Lite lustigt. Skulle göra 5x3 på 130. Men det kändes urtungt redan rep 2. Hade räknat fel på vikten. Trevlig överraskning. La om planen till amrap på 130.

Inatt chattade jag med Justin på 70sbig. . Han hade en del att säga om min böj:
00:18 JLascek rackem --- where do you live?
00:18 rackem stockholm, sweden
00:19 JLascek awesome -- are you trying a high bar or low bar here?
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00:19 Berlin JLascek, in which way has a guy to eat, if he want to gain muscle mass, but puts on in high speed bodyfat?
00:19 JLascek berlin --- lots of protein, surplus of calories, but not a bunch of carbs (but still needs carbs)
00:19 JLascek just get more of the calories in fat
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00:19 JLascek how much do you weigh, berlin?
00:19 rackem
00:19 rpbrown make the carbs high quality, like fruits and vegetables
00:19 BenA watch out for them starches?
00:20 Porksoda trans fat???
00:20 JLascek rackem -- you attempting a high bar or low bar?
00:20 Berlin im going to start, im about 140lbs
00:20 Hartman Slow and steady Berlin. Don;t try to increase 1000kcal overnight
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00:20 Berlin very helpfull answers Dr. hartman & Justin, thx+
00:20 JLascek good point hartman, --- a surplus is all you need berlin
00:20 rackem JLascek sorry, i'm slow.. a low bar
00:21 JLascek some people get a little carried away with food because of the comical recommendations we have made to skinny people
00:21 Briskin Berlin, I'm not so sure you have to worry about body fat when you're 140lbs
00:21 JLascek rackem -- watch your vid
00:21 BenA comical = tasty
00:21 JLascek see how the bar travels forward at least six inches?
00:21 JLascek that isn't ideal and is making this harder for you
00:21 rackem JLascek the other vid was a high rep set
00:21 JLascek you'll have to shove your knees out, THEN sit back
00:22 BenA yeah was gonna say, worry about fat when your a bit heavier dude
00:22 rackem JLascek that was my excact concern..
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00:22 JLascek sitting back is going to require a little more leaning over, but this is not the same thing as leaning forward past your center of gravity
00:22 rackem JLascek what's the remedy?
00:22 JLascek it keeps the bar over your center of gravity as your hips go back
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00:23 JLascek rackem -- one remedy could be to not let your knees go forward in the bottom half of the descent
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00:23 Hartman New Epic Meal Time - Epic Eggroll
00:23 Hartman http://youtu.be/S9iz3KVT0Y0
00:23 JLascek set them by shoving them out on the way down, then sit back so your knees don't go forward any more
00:23 JLascek this'll stretch the hamstrings more
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00:23 JLascek watching second vid rackem
00:23 WCM025 Dr. Hartman, could you post a link to any websites/blogs of yours. I am embarassed to say I am not familiar with your work.
00:23 JLascek google doctor hartman, the blog comes up
00:24 WCM025 thanks.
00:24 Hartman doctorhartmanblog.com
00:24 rackem JLascek ok.. shoving the knees out!
00:24 JLascek rackem -- rep #2 is better than #1 on the 130kg set
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00:24 JLascek they still go forward though, rackem
00:24 Gregor I have a question for whoever will answer....whats the best calorie dense food....i.e calories per dollar....that be added to easily added to a diet to aid in weight gain? Besides Whole Milk that is
00:24 JLascek low bar squatting is all about hip drive, pushing the ass up
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00:25 BenA peanut butters pretty good for that
00:25 JLascek gregor -- "best" is subjective
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00:25 rackem JLascek thats another prob i have - my first rep is a pain in the but always. hard time hiting the depth. and i don't know why?
00:25 quinteros eggs
00:25 Hartman Just calories? Regular pasta is good. <$1 per pound
00:25 sade0 eggs, peanut butter, whey, oats
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00:25 HighVoltage almond butter.
00:25 Gregor I'm just wondering what different people think
00:26 DrMcFacekick aaight it is time to make 70s big meatloaf
00:26 JLascek rackem -- your going forward issue is worse at heavier weight -- basically use a little lighter weight (maybe start at 100kg) and have everything balance over the middle of your foot
00:26 WCM025 olive oil in your PWO shakes
00:26 DrMcFacekick night all thanks Justin!
00:26 JLascek the "middle of your foot" is going to be right in front of your heel
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00:26 WCM025 Thanks Facekick.
00:26 Berlin Briskin, my Bodyfat is about 20% i think, im feelin bad within, despite athletic form and figure..
00:26 rackem JLascek so.. main focus shoving the mofo knees out..!?
00:26 BenA great *fast* shake - 100g oats, pint milk, 3 scoops whey, Couple tbsp peanut butter and cap of olive oil. Blend and drink (water to get desired thickness)
00:27 JLascek gregor -- lots of calories and not a horrible carb amount is trail mix, but not a lot of protein
00:27 Briskin Berlin, if you're 140lbs and 20% bf, you must be like 4'11"
00:27 sade0 trail mix + jerky
00:27 JLascek rackem -- look up at that "mid foot" comment I made
00:27 Berlin Briskin, haha, nope im 5'7''
00:27 BenA great morning "Im in a rush" shake. Taper the oats to suit your macronutrient needs
00:28 JLascek rackem -- I can't tell what your knees are doing because it's a side angle, but you are going forward, so you're gonna have to balance over your mid foot and sit back a little more to counter balance what you're currently doing
00:28 rpbrown i get hungry pretty quickly after just shakes
00:28 Gregor I can honestly say I never thought of oats in a shake
00:28 rpbrown even if theyre loaded with calories
00:28 *** THESCOTT joined #70sbig
00:28 Briskin Berlin, then you're definitely not 20% bodyfat, that would require you to have no muscle mass whatsoever
00:28 Berlin Briskin as i said, im athelic and in a good form, but my belly looks like the one of Brent
00:28 razor shakes are designed to be absorbed quickly
00:28 Briskin Berlin, I think we might have a bit of a language barrier here
00:28 rpbrown yeah
00:28 rackem JLascek ok
00:28 Gregor Thanks BenA
00:29 Gregor I'm gonna try that shake in the morning
00:29 JLascek berlin -- so you want to get rid of the belly?
00:29 BenA its pretty tasty depending on the whey you mix in
00:29 rackem JLascek i've tries the "siting back" q before with no luck.. will try it again maybee.
00:29 BenA and to look hard you can drink out of the blender
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00:29 rpbrown BenA do you go for vanilla/flavorless whey usually? or choc whey?
00:29 rpbrown in the shake
00:29 Berlin Briskin, i only see pregnant wifes if i google belly, jep, that's not what i meant..
00:29 Berlin
00:30 JLascek rackem -- try that mid-foot cue where you keep the bar over your midfoot as you descend
00:30 THESCOTT Justin or AC, I am doing a powerlifting meet in Pleasanton, Ca. this coming Sunday. I need to know what my weights on my 3 lifts should be. Currently 1 rep max on Deads are 465, Sqts is 445 and Bench is 335
00:30 BenA choc whey, but ive tried vanilla and it works just fine
00:30 WCM025 my recent pwo shake - 2 scoops whey, milk, ice cubes, 2 scoops vanilla icecream, 2 scoops pb, big of cocoa powder
00:30 THESCOTT What should be my warmup?
00:30 Hartman Thanks guys. I am out of here. I will be back next week.
00:30 JLascek hey scott -- I was gonna have you call me, but we can do it here
00:30 razor gregor I have another sample of a shake that my S & C coach gave me... 20g pure whey protein 1 cup of dry oats 1 banana 1-2cups of non fat milk 5g creatine 2g glutamine
00:30 dcurrin Thanks Doc
00:30 Berlin JLascek, yes, i want to!
00:30 BenA rpbrown you may have to test out the amount of water/oats you want to get it perfect. But its really a very easy 700cals+
00:30 JLascek scott, have you done any triples recently? heavy triples?
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00:31 Gregor I have vanilla whey now. I got a Magic Bullet for Christmas, so I plan on wearing that thing out making shakes
00:31 THESCOTT Just finished 5,3,1
00:31 JLascek what were your last heavy triples in each lift?
00:31 BenA WCM025 the ice cream reminds me of Bill Starrs reccomendations in Strongest Shall Survive
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00:32 BenA man im hungry now
00:32 WCM025 Haven't read it. Actually planning on purchasing it within a couple of days. What does he say?
00:32 THESCOTT Bench 1@285 + 9, SQT 1@385 + 8, DEADS 1@440 + 7
00:32 rackem JLascek ok, will copy the chat and review what you wrote.. and think hard about it. verry thankful for you taking time to look at it!

4 kommentarer:

Jocke sa...

Helt fantastiskt pressande. Har inte förstått hur du kunnat göra HSPU-varianter så som du gör men bara pressa ungefär som mig. Nu börjat det bli lite proportion på saker och ting :/

Böjen blir sannolikt rödlampad ifall man inte är bra kompis med två av domarna. Ingen ingångsvikt iaf, möjligen ett andralyft.

rackempackem sa...

ja, fäste inget vidare tilltro till den där böjen. mer nöjd med tvåan på 140. men, har sannolikt inte tid att rätta till stångbanan under max effort innan månadsslutet så jag får väl leva med ineffektiviteten.

Bear sa...

Gryyym press!

Jon Ivmark sa...

Snygg press, stark squat, yada yada. Men framför allt snygg spotter.