
En Anglais, for a change!

Postar hos LSD-ögat nuförtiden. Så idag blir det lite copy/paste blogging!

A1. HSPU @ 2010 - amrap (-1) x 3 sets; rest 60 sec
A2. Semi Stiff Legged DL @ 4011; 6-8 x 3; rest 60 sec
B1. Ring Push Ups @ 2010 - amrap (-1) x 3 sets; rest 45 sec
B2. KBS - 15 unbroken x 3; rest 45 sec
C1. Dips @ 2010 - amrap (-1) x 3 sets; rest 30 sec
C2. GHD Raises @ 2010; 15 x 3; rest 30 sec

post loads, notes and reps to comments
amrap (-1) means you attempt a max rep set but stop approximately 1 rep short of failure on speed
swings to just inches above forehead.

A1. 14, 10, 10. So much harder in the specified tempo. Have a PR of 27 regular. Could probably have pushed slightly further to hit the -1 rep accurately. Time will tell.

A2. 80kg x 8, 90kg x 8, 100kg x 8. For some reason I missed the tempo spec. for these. First time doing the movement ever. Dead stop between reps at least.

B1. 12, 9, 7. Approximately 10 cm from rings to floor. Chest to deck.

B2. 32kg x 3

C1. 4, 5, 5. Sub'd Ring Dips. More or less to failure. Smoked in shoulder region at that point. Good training!

C2. Sub'd Good Mornings @40kg. No possibility for GHD raises at the gym as of yet. A fact that my hamstrings are very happy about!

Tänkte fel idag. Stoppade typ två reps innan failure. Hm. Det tar ett tag att lära sig det här.

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