
Jan 23rd Competition Workouts

Sjukligt roligt.
Börjar komma i ganska bra form.
Näringsintaget mellan passen var bra avvägda - äppelmos är gott.

Långt kvar till 15 x BW OHS.
Dåligt gamblat på OHS BTW. Hade 62,5kg bergsäkert med annat upplägg.

3 sets of 15 OHS

2K row and AMRAP Double Unders in 10 minutes

50 CTB chin ups
50 push up burpees

- workouts have to be done in this order
- you have a 5 hour time limit from start of OHS workout to finish of chin up/burpee workout
- OHS - when taken from rack, bar has to stay overhead until reps are complete; rest as needed b/t sets and in set, video taken from side; ass to grass (I will be very picky on depth for this one), there must be ONLY 3 sets for max effort for 15 reps, please be honest on this; for weight lifted
- Row/DU - row has to go first to completion of 2K; for time and reps
- chin up/burpee - chest to bar, chest to deck, clap overhead with body at upright full extension at top (no bending over at top with clap), chin ups first all 50, then burpees; for time

BWT 174# (79kg)
WOD 1. 132# (60kg)
WOD 2. 7:13, 25 reps
WOD 3. 4:14* (47 burpees)

*After the short break after rep 23 of the burpees my dear friend, and for the day rep-counter, counted 27. And I was to far away in La, La Land to realize. Witch means I did only 47 reps of burpees. The poor guy was completely crushed when we realized during the review of the vid. I was also a bit bummed I must admit but after a couple of minutes i realized that if you let something like that get to you, you are aproaching this thing in the wrong way. It was pretty much an all out effort. And I'm happy about my go anyway. C'est la vie.

Messed up on the row again, the straps loosened and i tried to correct it, lost two strokes. And finished with really loose straps. Did not want to restart since this is what you have to learn from if you want to compete.

DU's where a surreal experience afterward. Not so much bounce!

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