
Söndag, dubbel OPT

Burgundisk Köttgryta:
Att jag klarade att göra 150 KBS med 2 pood utan att krossas. Games 09 standard också. Witch sucks so bad.
Bänkpressen kändes också oförskämt lätt.
Blir starkare.

Dålig kondis fortfarande.

part 1:
A1. Bench Press @ 30X0; 10 sets of 1; rest 120 sec
A2. Chin Ups @ 20X0; 10 sets of 1; rest 120 sec

rest 2+ hours

part 2:
for time;
50 KBS - 2/1.5 pd
20 GHD sit ups
10 box jumps - 30/24"
40 KBS - 2/1.5 pd
20 GHD sit ups
20 box jumps - 30/24"
30 KBS - 2/1.5 pd
20 GHD sit ups
30 box jumps - 30/24"
20 KBS - 2/1.5 pd
20 GHD sit ups
40 box jumps - 30/24"
10 KBS - 2/1.5 pd
20 GHD sit ups
50 box jumps - 30/24"

post highest loads for A1 and A2, BWT in #, and total time for part 2 to comments (i.e. 265, 110# @ 170# BWT, 22:14)
swings are to overhead, bell must be straight up at top (games 09 standard), 2 hands overhead for sit ups and hips at full extension at top of box jump


102,5kg (PR), 61,5kg (PR), @79kg BWT, 32:20 (27,5inch BJ)

part 1:
1. 84kg, 30kg
2. 90kg, 40kg
3. 95kg, 35kg (counted wrong w. the weights)
4. 100kg, 55kg
5. 102,5kg(PR), 60kg
6. 105kg(f), 65kg(f)
7. 100kg, 61,5kg(PR)
8. 100kg, 60kg(f)
9. 100kg, 55kg
10. 100kg, 55kg
Have not done BP in a long time. Happy bout PR's especially considering the tempos and many sets.

part 2:
Did some kind of wrong calculation and set up a BJ of 70cm (27,5 inch). Have probably only done half of this amount of swings at 2 pood totally since i started CrossFit. So i have to be very happy with that i made it through. Was i bit scared that my back would be crushed in the end of round 3. But i managed. Mostly sets of 10. Some 15's in the beginning. BJ's where not so bad on the legs. But extremely slow. Have to do some extra training there. Very useful to be forced into a long and really heavy metcon. You have to get into a totally different mindset. Totally my weaknesses also witch makes it even more useful.

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