
Beating that monkey into oblivion.


Har inte tid att var fiffig at the moment. Har inte tid för någonting igentligen. Va i Uppsala en sväng också med Coach och Tavi. Träffade Manic Martin. Alltid lika trevligt. Köpte vikter. Åt. Drack Baileys. Det vanliga alltså.

Vi drog upp lite planer för en månatlig CrossFit-Podcast på Svenska. Check this space for further details!

part 1:

A. as many 1-5 ladders in 10 min - 225#/155# back squat; rest 5 min
B. BB jump squats - 30% of 1RM back squat; 6 sets of 6 reps; rest 60 sec b/t sets
C. GHD Sit ups - 5 sets of 20 reps; rest 45 sec b/t sets
rest 8+ hours

part 2:
AMRAP Double Unders in 45 sec
15 sec rest
AMRAP Chin Ups
2 min rest
5 sets for total points
(points are accumulated by multiplying your total DU reps/round by the chin up reps/round, then adding all 5 sets together, i.e. round 1 = 75 DU multiplied by 40 chin ups = 3000 points for that round...add this # to the other 4 sets and that is your score)

Ladder for A is...perform 1 back squat, rack the weight on stands, take weight off the rack and back onto you, perform 2 reps, rack weight again, take weight off the rack and back onto you again, perform 3 reps..up to 5 reps, then start again at 1 rep...each time you get to 5 reps, that is one ladder.
Jump Squats in B...ensure you explode through heels on hip extension, not toes, minimal ground contact time

Part 1
A. @102,5kg, 1 round + 1,2,3. A new 5RM for me. Very happy about the result considering my meager experience with heavy weight.
B. 35kg. Did full squat. Next time i will do them correct. The load was a bit to light also due to my modest BS.
C. 1-3. As Rx'd on a "bench press"-bench. I believe it makes them easier then on a GHD.
4. 20 unbroken KTE
5. 20 unbroken unanchored Sit Ups

Rested 8 hours.

Part 2
1. 26x42=1092
2. 26x23=598
3. 20x20=400
4. 18x17=306
5. 30x20=600
Something happened with the DU's just could NOT get them in to a flow. Very useful/painful experience.

3 kommentarer:

David Englund sa...

Brutala PU från dn sida,jag tyckte att DU straffade dem rejält!

O andra sidan så har jag inte ditt klättrargrepp...

Baby B sa...

Slutat träna eller slutat blogga?

rackempackem sa...

that's a negative on both suggestions. ligger lite efter bara. prioriterar bort bloggen i bråda tider. men nu har du fått en saftig uppdate!